CA 2E / CA Plex SW development

Access to additional talent pools and flexible scaling are critical for businesses that want to innovate and succeed with their software products. Even if you have a clear project roadmap and a strong core team, extra development capabilities will help you reach your milestones faster.

Since 20nn, Lusodata has helped companies augment their software development teams with top CA 2E / CA Plex development  SW talent. With an internal pool of 2,200 tech experts and a strong employer brand, we can quickly find the right specialists to boost your project.
Here’s why companies chose Lusodata as their strategic SW CA 2E / CA Plex outsourcing partner:

  •     Excellent pool of CA 2E / CA Plex development skills.
  •     Fast and flexible team extension.
  •     Seamless team integration at any stage of your SW Development Life Cycle.
  •     The ability to meet any gap in your skillset.